Jordan Olivia Outland

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Quick Challenge reflection

    I learned that art is super open ended and flexible making it hard to go back and learn different techniques versus create, create, create with no intentions. I feel that the quick challenges allowed me to take a moment and reflect on why I enjoy art, and how we can make art into a learning and growing experience. I feel like I have a hard time going into the creative flow, these challenges help specify different art themes and idea to better master something I have already learned or learn new skills and materials I may not have come across on my own. I really enjoyed the floor to ceiling prompt a I haven't created a piece quite that large before. I also like the conversations assignment as I haven't really incorporated text into my art before and found it interesting. It's not something I see myself doing often but I enjoyed learning how text can affect a piece. I think my favorite thought was the thread, yarn, and fabric challenge. I love working with textiles and find it so rewarding to create something imperfect out of materials that are normally seen in a perfect way such as furniture, clothes, and rugs or carpets. I hope that with this experience I will be able to task myself with more quick challenges to expand my artistry and find new techniques to love, working with new materials like geso and masking tape. 

Friday, December 6, 2024

You can stay as long as you'd like

In process images

Final solution images 



 Final Panel

    My goal for this multiple panel was to create a piece which invites you into an unknown yet familiar space of whimsical comfort. A lot of my inspiration came from elements of my childhood and aspects of my grandmothers (Nana's) art which molded the artist I am today. I also took inspiration from artists Robert Rauschenberg and Madeline Meyer and how they use elements of textiles in their artwork. I started with creating the panels I would use as the windows or glass in the doors. I used acrylic paint on a plastic lid where I could create my design ad wait for the paint to dry. It was challenging because its easier to work foreground to background so your design stayed crisp. Once the paint puck windows dried, they could be easily peeled off, and then sewn onto additional panels of fabric. When painting the windows I took inspirations from the patterns of fabric my grandmother uses for her art. When doing art with my Nana we never failed to include every craft supply we could find, yarn, sequins, charms, elastic, scrap fabric, and buttons to create extravagant pieces which I always felt a sense of comfort and warmth from. I wanted to create that same nostalgic feeling, including elements of buttons and soft fabrics to bring to life the feeling I get when entering my Nana's house. As I continue my journey in exploring perception, I hope this piece invited you to look at things around you with fresh eyes, new angles, and different perspectives. 

Thursday, November 21, 2024

the beginning

transformation 1
Soul Map

transformation 2
36x36in rearranged
My plan for the first transformation was to cover all of the color with a more neutral color pallet. I chose black, white, grey, and burnt sienna as the colors that would be pallet knifed over the vibrant colorful piece. I this cut up the 36" square and reassembled the piced to create something more disorganized. 

transformation 3
For this transformation I want to try to create something more vertical and lead with the material to create illusions and shapes. I cut and pasted the pieces inspired by stairs, cylindrical and flat shapes glued on, and added newsprint at the bottom to be more stable and ad something asymmetrical. I wanted to create the feeling of walking into an unknown space that was also recognize ble creating an involving feeling. 

transformation 4
Come a Little Closer
For my next transformation I wanted to play around with the orientation of pieces being the same, but painted in a way that is more high contrast. I wanted to see how this piece would look completely black, white, and grey. I really enjoyed how this version came out, and loved looking for the hidden monochromatic shapes. 

transformation 5
For the final transformation I decide to make the piece completely horizontal. I folded over the pieces that hung over the rectangle to make a more concise scroll. I then painted the entirety black and used newprint in the shape of tunnels i then pasted pretty evenly horizontally again. Playing with the idea of "chose a door" and follow the path of the unknown. 


Banner Project

 Diversity Club Banner Personal Banner Inspirations Yvonne Line Rebecca Chapman Lyn Belisle, Seven Horse, 2024 Community Snake Banner Jeffre...