transformation 1
Soul Map
transformation 2
36x36in rearranged
My plan for the first transformation was to cover all of the color with a more neutral color pallet. I chose black, white, grey, and burnt sienna as the colors that would be pallet knifed over the vibrant colorful piece. I this cut up the 36" square and reassembled the piced to create something more disorganized.
For this transformation I want to try to create something more vertical and lead with the material to create illusions and shapes. I cut and pasted the pieces inspired by stairs, cylindrical and flat shapes glued on, and added newsprint at the bottom to be more stable and ad something asymmetrical. I wanted to create the feeling of walking into an unknown space that was also recognize ble creating an involving feeling.
transformation 4
Come a Little Closer
For my next transformation I wanted to play around with the orientation of pieces being the same, but painted in a way that is more high contrast. I wanted to see how this piece would look completely black, white, and grey. I really enjoyed how this version came out, and loved looking for the hidden monochromatic shapes.
transformation 5
For the final transformation I decide to make the piece completely horizontal. I folded over the pieces that hung over the rectangle to make a more concise scroll. I then painted the entirety black and used newprint in the shape of tunnels i then pasted pretty evenly horizontally again. Playing with the idea of "chose a door" and follow the path of the unknown.